Tuesday, March 12, 2013

SBBC Week 1

Sorry this is brief, but Liam has been keeping me running lately!  I'll do a "catch-up on my life" post soon! 

You may have noticed the Spring Booty Buster Challenge  button on my sidebar...  I'm supposed to be starting marathon training and I really need a kick in the pants.  It didn't happen this week (sadly, I did a 10 mile run the day before this started so I don't get to count it!)  Circumstances left me with no sitter and crappy weather so workouts just didn't get done.  I even miss Master Swim on weeks like this (and I pay for that whether I go or not!)  This week Dave is working nearby and is home every night so I'm hoping things will be better...

Monday: 25 minutes YogaKids with Liam, WOW (3 points)
Wednesday: 40 minutes shoveling snow (This counts, really!) (4 points)
Thursday: WOW (0.5 points)

Plus I made my freggie (fruit & veggie) goal and water goal 5 days each this week (10 points) and did the WOW (Workout of the Week) twice (2 points)

Total for the week= 19.5 points

Be back again soon... I promise!

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