Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Sugar Free Challenge: Day One

Oatmeal with pecan milk (homemade- just water and pecans), chopped pecans and cinnamon.
Coffee with whole milk.

Usually I have dried cranberries on my morning oatmeal.  Yeah, just try finding dried cranberries that aren't sweetened.  Anyway, dried fruit isn't off limits, but discouraged so I searched around in the cupboard for a while before settling on the pecans and cinnamon. 

Peppers, onions & garlic sauteed with  a little bit of coconut oil, salt.
Chicken breast topped with some leftover guacamole.
Kidney beans seasoned with garlic powder, chili powder, cumin, sour cream, salt & aleppo pepper. Topped with cheddar cheese.

The only things I had to check the label on here were the chili powder and the cheese.  Some sour creams have some odd ingredients, but we use Daisy so I knew that was just cream.  Everything else was either raw ingredients or homemade from raw ingredients. 

Generic triscuits & pepperjack cheese 

And here I began to struggle.  My headache that began at 3pm has become progressively worse.  I made cheesy bread with hamburger and broccoli for Liam.  I wasn't sure what I was going to eat.   In my headache fog, I burned the broccoli.  I salvaged the few non-burned pieces for Liam and wondered again what was I going to have for supper?  Well, I caved and had cheesy bread.  Only 1.5 ounces of bread so not a lot, but it still qualifies as added sugar.  I still need to get some vegetables or something else in yet tonight but unless this headache lets up, I may not eat much more. 

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